How a Food Packaging Company is Changing the Industry for the Better 

How a Food Packaging Company is Changing the Industry for the Better 

In today’s transformational world, companies willing to think outside of the box and take a stand for their customers are changing industries as we know it. Let’s look at the food packaging sector for example. In the past, the packaging industry was largely regarded as inefficient, expensive and bad for the environment.

However, since 2012, Pureco Packaging has been gradually changing those perceptions, with a unique business model focused on quality and sustainability. Over the years, Pureco packaging has become one of the industry leaders in takeaway packaging products, offering businesses of any shape and size the chance to access custom, environmentally friendly packaging.

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Changing the Reputation of Food Packaging, Australia

Not so long ago, Australian businesses assumed that the only way to get top-quality packaging for their food products was to pay through the nose for a local manufacturer. Pureco China has emerged as an alternative solution for companies who want to preserve the quality of their branded products, without breaking their budget.

With a completely Australian-operated and owned factory in Shanghai, Pureco provides the highest operating standards, for a price that businesses can afford. This means that customers get high-quality for a budget-friendly cost, and at a rapid speed too!

Pureco prides itself on delivering products that meet the highest Japanese audit standards for hygiene and health. That means that you get the discounts you need, without having to worry about the result.

Custom Designs with Speed

When it comes to food packaging, Australia-based businesses often assume that getting a custom design would mean waiting months for a wholesale order to come through. Of course, in the food packaging and take away space, you’ve got customers to serve. That means that you don’t have the time to wait around for the designs that could help your brand to make a better, more lasting impact.

23 How a Food Packaging Company is Changing the Industry for the Better At Pureco China, we believe that hospitality companies shouldn’t have to choose between making the right visual impression on their audience and getting their orders fast. Since we know our clients can’t afford to wait months for their orders, we promise to deliver custom-made solutions within two weeks after order confirmation.

We deliver speed and quality with every order, and we encourage other packaging companies to do the same.

Environmentally Friendly Materials

Finally, in today’s environmentally-conscious world, it’s not enough to simply deliver food packaging materials that are reliable and durable – they also need to be sustainable too. Unrecyclable materials like plastic can take hundreds of years to break down, damaging our beloved environment, and making it harder for us to enjoy the beauty of the world around us.

Even when plastic does break down, it creates tiny microplastics that can be ingested by animals. The chemicals in these microplastics are potentially toxic, damaging the ecosystem that we live in. As more customers continue to turn towards brand that is willing to do something extra for the environment, Pureco packaging gives their clients a way to stand out from the crowd.

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With sustainable, recyclable, and biodegradable food packaging projects, you can remind your audience that you care about more than just profits.

Are you ready to start working with the food packaging brand that’s changing the industry for good?

Contact us directly at +86-21-57382058 or jump onto our live chat feature (bottom right-hand side of this page) and send us a message.

We look forward speaking to you!